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Stories by Anne Cordwainer

The non-Modern Magic free stuff is at the bottom.

Modern Magic

John and Liz Prospero come from a long line of magical renegade hunters. John’s one of the strongest sorcerers his family has ever produced. Liz is a sport, born without magic. Which one was lucky?

You’d think Liz at least could live a normal life. But for a Prospero, confronting renegades is normal. Wherever she goes, her magical heritage follows, and it usually brings danger along for the ride. Oh, and don’t forget keeping half her life secret from all her friends.

John always knew he was expected to become a warrior, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it. Working all day and fighting crime nights and weekends can wear a guy out. Especially with magical crime rising sharply, and fewer sorcerers willing to take on the renegades.

One man has a plan to bring sorcery and modern justice together, but can it work? Does it go too far, or not far enough? How can anyone decide, when no one knows what the problem is?

John and Liz each play a pivotal role in finding and defeating the underlying villains, during a decade of adventures which transform modern magic in the U.S.A.

[Read the First Story] [Read More Modern Magic Stories]

New stories are added at a rate of about one per week. Join the announcements list to get an email reminder when each new installment is up.

Free Stuff

Modern Magic

Graduation Day
This is the first story of my flagship series, Modern Magic. As with many addicting things, the first hit is free. It's a full self-contained story, though, so don't worry about being tricked with a cliffhanger or other non-ending. The other Modern Magic stories are also free for now.

Historic Magic

Same world as Modern Magic, but telling tales of the past which led us to this present day.

An Incident at Roanoke
Travel back to the 16th century, as the English first colonize America. There's no real mystery about what happened to the Roanoke colony, but some of what happened within it has remained unknown until now.
The Sorcerers of Salem
About a century after the Roanoke problem, the American coast is colonized. But there's big trouble in Massachusetts. Witch-hunts again? In the Colonies, and after all this time? Three English sorcerers don't know what's happening, but they're determined to find out.

Other Stuff

Lots of li'l things unrelated to the MM world.

Kevin doesn't just feel different from other people. His parents found him in the wreckage of a spaceship. Now he's a man, but he'll never be a human.
The Great Mage
A nation needs its heroes, but is heroism really about the great deeds?
The Slaying
A sonnet about a werewolf terrorizing a village. I firmly believe that the world needs more lycanthrope poetry.